Saturday, March 17, 2012


Funny thing--our lives seem to be full of lists these days. I am really happy to work off of small lists that I can accomplish and check off, and then begin a new small list(very satisfying). However, not so with Mr. Thomas. We sat down last weekend to look at some of the paperwork that is yet to be done, and before I knew it he had his laptop out and had created an entire spreadsheet "list."  This color-coded spreadsheet is complete with lots and lots of columns, including the cost of each item, where we send each piece of paperwork, an "interim" due date and a "drop dead" due date. When he was all finished he looked at me proudly and said "Now, doesn't that just make you feel better to be able to see it all on one spreadsheet?" I smiled politely and said "yes." The next day I had to admit to him that it actually had totally overwhelmed me. But to be fair, I so see his perspective, and I am glad that at least he feels better! Now back to making my small lists off of the BIG spreadsheet...

Remember that "obstacle list" that I made as we began this journey? Well, after Rob assured me that my list of obstacles really didn't matter to God--(that if we were really called to this then the list would not be a problem)--I actually forgot about it! Funny thing, sometimes God works faith into our lives even when we don't realize it. Well, today I was scrolling through the "notes" section on my iphone, and I came across that list of my NINE identified obstacles to our family moving forward with this adoption. And...guess what?? YES!  Without me even realizing it, every single obstacle has been resolved!! (I can check off that list!) So, you know what I found myself doing? I actually made an "Obstacle List #2!" I scolded myself after I had made it; I mean why can't I just have the faith that God will provide and clear the path for the PLAN that He has ordained?? Am I really that hard headed? Then I realized that though I certainly have room to grow in the faith area, God put me together like this. It is part of who I am. I deal with demanding and stressful situations by working through them one step at a time---with a list! He is good and patient and kind and full of grace. And He is probably not even bothered by my lists.

So there you go. God is persistent to weave faith into our lives even when we are anxiously running around trying to do what only He can do. He is long-suffering with us even in our weakest, most human moments. His grace is available and it is His joy to lavish that grace upon us. And best of's not up to me or my lists!

"Cease striving and know that I am God; 

I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” 

Psalm 46:10 (NASB)

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